You took your time to prepare your garden bed, planted each individual seed, and gave it water to wake up your seeds. You may ask yourself what's next and how do I keep my garden healthy and weed free? The great thing about organic growing is knowing that you will be safe when you eat your delicious vegetables during harvesting.
What fertilizer and pest controller can I use to keep my garden healthy? This question is much more simple to answer then to ask. Here on the Ambert Farm we use Miracle Gro diluted through the watering of our vegetables. Now take my advice and don't buy one of those inline type systems that you connect to your spicket before you hook up the hose. At least the ones that I bought leak quite a bit. I personally have a sprayer that I use to take care of the garden. Just follow the instructions on the bottle and you will be safe.
Even though most insects aren't entirely bad for gardens, there are some that can be devastating to your entire crop. The great thing is how simple they are to get rid of by a few household products you may have laying around the house. What we use here in our gardens is.. Click Here
I found this website when browsing for organic pest control and I do have to admit, it works very well for many different types of insects. One of my favorite things to deal with bugs is with bugs. There are many types of insects that are very beneficial for gardens such as lady bugs and preying mantis.
Before you know it while going out one morning to check up on your garden you will see something pop out of the grown which isn't supposed to be there. Weeds are farmers peskiest problems and unfortunately there is really no organic way to get rid of those besides hard work and dedication. If you start early and don't let them grow, taking them out will be easy enough to take care of. Now don't let this deter you from giving your garden a little love. I found on Amazon this really cool garden kit that came with all the tools you will need to work on your garden. I found the Freddy Krueger gloves to be the best invention every for gardeners. If you've never seen them before, they look like regular gloves with plastic claw like pointers attached to the finger tips. Trust me when I say that these gloves are great.
In no time you won't regret your hard work and dedication on your dining room table and most important of all, make sure you save your seeds and build your compost heap for next season of growing. The first time will always be the hardest and always share your experience to inspire others for a healthier future.