Spring is coming quick and you ask yourself what to plant in your guardian.
With Spring comes excitement, warmth, and a feeling of happiness. Also many people who are wanting to start a garden or already have an established garden becomes a little anxious with the upcoming season. You already have your plot planned out and you already know who or what you are going to feed. The question comes in mind on what am I going to plant?
For instance with us, we are going to plant green vegetables for the chickens and the family, we are going to plant peppers, carrots, squash, broccoli, and much more. There are many places to pick up seeds such as huge retail stores, mom and pop stores, garden stores, and if you planned ahead having your own seeds from the vegetables that your family was eating.
Now it is time to prepare your soil with some good cow manure, make your rows in the garden bed, and start planting your seeds. Do you know how deep to plant the seeds? Do you know how far to plant each seed so they don't get crowded? Will you be planting by hand, or will you be planting using a seeder of some sort? So many questions you may have and not enough answers.
I have provided some articles that will help you with the wonderful process of growing your own organic vegetable garden.