Spring is around the corner and trust me when I say this.. Thank God! This year has been one crazy winter with wind, rain, and below freezing temperatures. To prepare your land and egg productions, there are a couple of things you need to do. Planning is the upmost important part of any land preparation. You have to ask yourself one simple question. Will I be feeding my family or the community? After you figure out how much land you will need, you will then figure out how much seed you need and what types of vegetables your family or community will be consuming. In our situation, not only our family but our flock enjoys greens leafy vegetables.
Land preparation will determine if you want to stay organic or what chemicals you will be using. Always remember, what you put on your crops will go in your body. This is why organic growing is very important. Regarding to pest extermination, you can use a biological or natural pest control by using other bugs such as lady bugs and praying mantis. If you don't want to use bugs to control bugs, there are simple household items you can use. For an example: Click Here
Regarding to fertilizer and land preparation, this will be the most difficult and time consuming depending on your garden size. A lot of folks out there have many different ways to prepare the land, but if you want dark and rich land, stay organic. Now some folks out there will tell you that black kow is the best. It is good but your neighbors may not like the smell. What I do is create a compost pile of leaves, vegetables that we don't eat, and used coffee grinds. There is a lot less garbage in your kitchen pale and mother earth will thank you for this in the long run.
Now after you do your research, prepare the land, and got everything ready for growing, you are probably thinking when is the best time to plant your seeds. Now you can start your seeds in a shed or in your home by using growing trays. Another option is to plant the seeds directly in your prepared land. I found a guide by zone that will help you understand when the best time to plant your seeds. Just Click Here and follow this planting guide for great success.
If you follow this guide and give your garden plenty of love, you will have the best tasting vegetables and your neighbors will be knocking on your day to share your bountiful harvest.